Personal loans are good if you need help paying off some debt, extra spending money, or are in a bind. Personal loans are offered to all credit scores too!
Personal Loans
Auto Loans
Auto loans are based off of how old your vehicle is. The older the vehicle the shorter the loan term gets. Auto loans can range in term length from 48 to 84 months depending on the age of the car. Interest rates are based off of Credit Score!
ATV, UTV, Motorcycles
Want something fun for the weekends? Or how about a daily driver in the nice weather. How about a mower for the summer days. We are here to help with all of your extra needs. Available at all credit scores, credit will determine your interest rate!
While the loans listed above are the most common we offer a wide range of loans including:
Classic Cars
Consumer Goods
Share Secured
Lawn Mowers
Land / Lots
Home Equity Jr Lien
5 Star offers mortgages up to 30 years, but only finance 15 year fixed in house. We work one on one with Premier Lending Alliance LLC to meet your specific needs.
Premier Lending can find you VA Mortgages, FHA, Conventional, USDA, and much more. Ready to apply? Fill out the application below.
5 Star Community Credit Union is a Risk Based Lender
Auto as low as 5.25% APR
First Mortgages as low as 6% APR
Home Equities as low as 7.25% APR
Watercraft/Campers as low as 7.25% APR
ATV’s/UTV’s/Motorcycles/Mowers as low as 7.25% APR
Tractors as low as 7.25% APR
All rates are subject to change at any time.
Scoring Model
A - 730 +
B - 680 - 729
C - 640 - 679
D - 600 - 639
E - 550 - 599
F - 549 or Less